[X Plane] JARDesign A320 V3 1r2 (X Plane 11 Only)
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jetguard prox will be released for fs2004 before end of the year, and is currently on waitlist for the many fsx users. when jetguard prox is released will be available the fbx models of the aircraft, and so will be activated by default. however at a date not yet released will appear a new plane (a330) with fsx support and this will be available in x-plane menu, from the product. (right now jetguard prox is available in fsx only and it is not compatible with fs2004, not as good as it is fsx).
apu (auxiliary power unit) need to be running and avail on the overhead panel, switch on the apu bleed button and turn the bleed switch to open. beacon lights on to warning the rampers that you are now going to power up the aircraft. the engine ignition switch is below the throttles on the pedestal, and goes to on start.. only thing to do now is push up the switch of which engine you want to start, in this case engine two. the rest of the engine start up procedure is now automatic, and when both engines are running you switch off the ignition switch and the overhead bleed switch and apu bleed button. note the excellent dcdu (datalink control and display unit) that shows dep and arr airports metar weather reports (dep and arr airports must be inserted in the mcdu for this to work). sd (systems display) the sd screen centre lower panel is your visual information point for the aircraft called ecam (electronic centralized aircraft monitor), you can select the different screens by pressing the control panel buttons on the pedestal below. a great feature is the please wait intermediate screen, it pauses while transferring you to the relevant screen. very realistic. 3d9ccd7d82